Carnegie Mellon University

Organizational Behavior and Theory

Organizational Behavior and Theory is an interdisciplinary field that examines the effectiveness of individuals, teams, networks and organizations. Research at the Tepper School includes team dynamics, collective intelligence, conflict management, negotiation, justice, power and status, ethical behavior, social network analysis, knowledge transfer, and group and organizational learning.

Organizational Behavior and Theory Faculty

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Linda Argote

Linda Argote

Thomas Lord Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory; Director, Center of Organizational Learning, Innovation and Knowledge

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Brandy Aven

Brandy L. Aven

Associate Professor of Organizational Theory, Strategy, and Entrepreneurship

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Gerard Beenen

Gerard Beenen

Adjunct Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory

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Rosalind Chow

Rosalind M. Chow

Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory

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Taya Cohen

Taya R. Cohen

Professor of Organizational Behavior and Business Ethics

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Oliver Hahl

Oliver Hahl

Associate Dean, Undergraduate Programs; Associate Professor of Organization Theory, Strategy and Entrepreneurship

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Robert Kelley

Robert Kelley

Distinguished Service Professor of Management

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David Krackhardt

David Krackhardt

Professor of Organizations, Heinz College and Joint Appointment at Tepper School of Business

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Sunkee Lee

Sunkee Lee

Associate Professor of Organizational Theory and Strategy; Frank A. and Helen E. Risch Associate Professor of Organizational Theory and Strategy

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Denise Rousseau

Denise M. Rousseau

H. J. Heinz II University Professor of Organizational Behavior and Public Policy, Heinz College and Joint Appointment at Tepper School of Business

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Diane Rulke

Diane Liang Rulke

Distinguished Service Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory

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Catherine Shea

Catherine Shea

Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory; Xerox Junior Faculty Chair

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Maria Tomprou

Maria Tomprou

Distinguished Service Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory

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Laurie Weingart

Laurie R. Weingart

Richard M. and Margaret S. Cyert Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory

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Anita Williams Woolley

Anita Williams Woolley

Professor of Organizational Behavior and Theory

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Organizational Behavior and Theory Post-Doctoral Fellows

Michal Lehmann

Post-Doctoral Fellow, Organizational Behavior and Theory

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