General Education Requirements
As part of an undergraduate degree at the Tepper Business School, students are required to complete general education coursework in the liberal arts and sciences. These courses connect students to the vast array of academic disciplines offered at CMU and offer an opportunity for students to explore intellectual interests in new ways to meet their academic goals.
Tepper School University Core Requirements
These requirements are for Tepper School students who started the program in 2020 and later. Students majoring in Economics in the Tepper School complete the Tepper School’s University Core requirements instead of the Dietrich College general education program.
The University Core offers deliberative choice in selecting courses to meet the general education that aligns with university competencies. Students select courses from particular CMU departments and two courses as free electives.
CMU First Year Writing (9 Units)
- Semester Long Writing Course:
- 76-101 Interpretation and Argument
- 76-102 Advanced First Year Writing (requires application)
- OR Select 2 Mini Writing Courses:
- 76-106 Writing about Literature, Art, and Culture
- 76-107 Writing about Data
- 76-108 Writing about Public Problems
Scientific Reasoning (9+units)
- Any Biological Sciences course 03-100 or higher
- Any Computer Sciences course 15-100 or higher
- Any Physics course 33-100 or higher
- Any Chemistry course 09-100 or higher
- Any Psychology course 85-102 or higher
Informational Literacy (9+ units)
- Any Philosophy course 80-100 or higher
- Any Information Systems course 67-100 or higher
- The following courses from Social and Decision Sciences: 88-120, 88-230, 88-255, 88-275
Global, Cultural, and Diverse Perspectives (18+ units)
- Any History course 79-100 or higher
- Any English course 76-200 or higher
- Any Modern Languages course 82-100 or higher
Please note that this requirement requires at least 18 units (two or more classes) to complete.
Free Electives (18+ units)
- Any Carnegie Mellon course outside of Business or Economics that follows the University Core policies per the Undergraduate Catalog.
Please note that this requirement requires at least 18 units (two or more classes) to complete.