Mentor With the Tepper School
As Tepper School Alumni, you can contribute to the success of current students through mentorship. Here are just a few ways that you can engage.
The Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship
Mentoring is a critical success factor in helping first-time entrepreneurs achieve success. Having a successful entrepreneur as a mentor helps the first-time entrepreneur focus on the highest priorities and avoid common mistakes. The industry connection that the mentor brings to the table can be transformational.
Pay it forward by serving as a Startup Mentor or Entrepreneurship Capstone Mentor for the Donald H. Jones Center for Entrepreneurial Studies or Carnegie Mellon’s Swartz Center for Entrepreneurship. Email Dave Mawhinney with your questions.
Management Game
Serve as a member of an external board of directors for a full-time or part-time MBA team of students participating in Management Game, an applied strategic management and general management exercise where teams of students operate computer-simulated companies for three years acting as the executive committee of a multi-national manufacturing company. Contact David Lamont to learn more or get involved.