SHIFT Programming: Additional Paths to Leadership Success
The Accelerate Leadership Center is proud to offer a new type of boundless leadership programming that focuses on the human side of business leadership.
Empathy. Critical thinking. Self-awareness. These aren't just buzzwords at the Tepper School; they're key qualities of any great leader. SHIFT Programming is designed to stimulate personal growth and development in future leaders who will encourage ethical business practices, diverse thinking, and creative solutions to problems that matter to society. Through interdisciplinary programming, SHIFT Programming offers additional pathways to leadership success. Good leaders ask good questions. And it's through inquiry that we learn more about ourselves and the world around us.
SHIFT Programming Components

The Curiosity Project
Focused on expanding the key leadership skills of asking questions and listening with curiosity, The Curiosity Project allows you to get inside the lived experience of one of your peers. Intended to be loose and fun, as well as insightful and personal, the goal is to help increase your empathy for others and your awareness of yourself by practicing the art of conversation with someone new. It also aims to help you strengthen your curiosity muscle so that you can use it with ease when you need to in professional settings.

Tepper Reads
Studies have shown that one surefire way to build empathy is through the act of reading literary fiction, and it doesn't hurt to build community along the way. Through reading, you can visualize and understand the world through someone else’s words. With Tepper Reads, we read a book together, attend meet-ups led by Accelerate Center staff, and meet the author when it's all said and done. It sounds simple, but trust us, it's revolutionary.

Leadership Touchpoint Series
Improv, design thinking, storytelling, metaphors. We'll study these topics and more in-depth in the Leadership Touchpoint Series. These workshops led by Carnegie Mellon faculty and local experts will expand your mind and help you to see the world through another lens.