Conference Session 1
November 12, 2010
Chair: Marvin Goodfriend- Mechanics of a Graceful Exit: Interest on Reserves and Segmentation in the Federal Funds Market
Authors: Morten L. Bech and Elizabeth Klee
Discussant: Craig Furfine - A Model of Liquidity Hoarding and Term Premia in Interbank Markets
Authors: Viral Acharya and David Skeie
Discussant: Huberto Ennis
Conference Session 2
November 12, 2010
Chair: Christopher Sleet- Complexity, Concentration and Contagion
Authors: Prasanna Gai, Andrew Haldane and Sujit Kapadia
Discussant: Andrew Lo - Monetary Policy and Corporate Default
Authors: Harjoat Bhamra, Adlai Fisher, and Lars-Alexander Kuehn
Discussant: Joao Gomes
Conference Session 3
November 13, 2010
Chair: Mark Bils- Did the Federal Reserve's MBS Purchase Program Lower Mortgage Rates?
Authors: Diana Hancock and Wayne Passmore
Discussant: Burton Hollifield - Securitization Markets and Central Banking: An Evaluation of the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF)
Authors: Sean Campbell, Daniel Covitz, William Nelson, and Karen Pence
Discussant: Suresh Sundaresan