Carnegie Mellon University

Service Management: Go-to-Market Strategy and Operations

Course Number: 45965

As the world's major economies have matured, they have become dominated by service providing organizations. These service focused businesses respond to the requirements of customers to satisfy some needs and leave certain experiences in their minds. This course addresses the strategic and operational aspects of managing service systems, with emphasis on specific issues from certain sectors (such as health care, call centers and transportation). The focus is: how can firms deliver excellent service while achieving business success? This means we have to understand and influence customers, anticipate actions by competitors and design the firm's internal mechanisms. Beyond the textbook, we will also use cases that focus on entrepreneurial ventures (such as start-ups in fashion and digital media).

Textbook: Service Management Strategy, Operations and Information Technology (7th Edition) by J. Fitzsimmons and M. Fitzsimmons (2013)

Degree: MBA
Concentration: Operations Management
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Semester(s): Mini 2
Required/Elective: Elective
Units: 6


Lecture: 100min/wk and Recitation: 50min/wk

About the Course