Carnegie Mellon University

Writing for Managers

Course Number: 45898

This elective focuses on best practices in written communication for business people in managerial positions. Students will receive instruction and feedback to help them understand the expectations of future and present employers and Tepper faculty to: target decision-making audiences at all company levels with precise, problem-solving language; write effective email that encourages results; create short reports that make a work process transparent; develop a direct style that conveys an authoritative and reader-friendly tone; create charts and graphs that are precise and clear at a glance; use simple design/layout strategies that make a document more action-oriented; increase vocabulary/language awareness; and practice revision strategies.

Students will complete weekly written assignments of varying lengths (some in class). These assignments fall into two options that each student will choose: 1) short assignments assigned by the professor (some involving short cases) or 2) one larger project of the student's choosing. Students will be guided in their choices since this course is open to part-time (usually already employed) students and full-time students (who will be preparing for either internships or full-time work). In other words, students will be choosing the kinds of assignments that will best prepare them for their present and future work.

This course is focused on the individual's development is therefore not graded on a curve. The course is an excellent follow-up to the required core communications courses. Students will be graded on mastery of best practices, class attendance, and peer critiques. Faculty-facilitated peer feedback is a part of in-class work, and discussion and open engagement is required.

Degree: MBA
Concentration: Business Management Communications
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Semester(s): Mini 1, Mini 4
Required/Elective: Elective
Units: 6


Lecture: 100min/wk and Recitation: 50min/wk