Carnegie Mellon University

Investment Analysis

Course Number: 45821

Requires Completion of 45-820 Finance II.

The objective of Investment Analysis is to introduce you to the tools used by investment professionals to manage assets and their risks. The course covers optimal asset allocation, its performance evaluation, and risk management. The goal is to apply basic tools in finance as such mean-variance portfolio optimization and gain a better understanding why and when these tools fail. As such we will talk about the measurement and implications of tail events, the impact of liquidity on prices and trading, the risk of default, and the implications of return predictability. (7/13-LK)

Degree: MBA
Concentration: Finance
Academic Year: 2023-2024
Semester(s): Mini 1, Mini 6
Required/Elective: Elective
Units: 6


Lecture: 100min/wk and Recitation: 50min/wk