Carnegie Mellon University

Post-Hire Employment Actions Documents



Appointment Extension Fixed-Term Appointment Extension Memo Template — please contact your HR business partner before issuing a fixed-term extension
Demotion Demotion (Exempt) Memo Template — please contact your HR business partner before issuing a demotion
Interim Assignment Interim Assignment Memo Template — please contact your HR business partner before issuing an interim assignment
Off-cycle Compensation Adjustments Off-cycle Compensation Adjustment Memo Template — please contact your HR business partner before issuing an off-cycle compensation adjustment
Personnel Files Staff Personnel Files: Guidance for Supervisors [pdf]
Post-Hire Actions Job Description Template [docx]
Post-Hire Action Guidance  Post-Hire Employment Actions: Guidance on Promotion, Demotion, Lateral Transfer, Reclassification and Job Detail Change [pdf]
Promotion Promotion (Exempt) Memo Template — please contact your HR business partner before issuing a promotion
Reassignment Lateral Reassignment with Change in Supervisor Memo Template — please contact your HR business partner before issuing a lateral reassignment
Reclassification Reclassification Memo Template — please contact your HR business partner before issuing a reclassification