Carnegie Mellon University

Breastfeeding Resources

Breastfeeding can be extremely beneficial for both parent and child. Several notable health organizations encourage and provide support for breastfeeding, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [pdf], and the World Health Organization

On this page:

Benefits and Guidance

Breastfeeding Help Lines

  • PA WIC Breastfeeding Warm Line: 855-427-5666
  • Allegheny County Breastfeeding Help Line 412-697-2243 (8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. ET, M-F)
  • PA Department of Health Healthy Baby Line: 800-986-BABY or 800-986-2229
  • National Women’s Health Information Center (peer counselors): 800-994-9662

Lactation Consultants

If you deliver your baby in a hospital, they will likely have lactation consultants available onsite and offer services after delivery. If you are looking for assistance
independent of the hospital, some options are listed below. Your child’s pediatrician may also have lactation consultants available..

Addressing Health Concerns

It is important to seek the care of a medical professional for any health concerns, including the concerns listed below. These resources are meant to raise awareness of different health concerns related breastfeeding, not to give advice in any way.

Other Milk Sources and Support Services

  • Mid-Atlantic Mothers’ Milk Bank — This organization accepts donations of unused breast milk and donates it to medically fragile babies who will greatly benefit from the boost to their immune system.
  • WIC — The Pennsylvania Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children provides nutrition services, breastfeeding support, health care and social service referrals, and healthy foods. Families must have income at 185% of the poverty level to receive services.
  • CMU Pantry — Available to CMU undergraduate and graduate students, the CMU Pantry provides diapers, baby wipes, diaper rash ointment/cream, baby shampoo and infant formula to students families who need it.
  • La Leche League — This international organization was created by parents to help people meet their feeding goals. It provides information and support to parents who want to nurture their children and feed them human milk.
  • Allegheny County Breastfeeding Coalition — The mission of this coalition is to encourage and help normalize human milk feeding in every community across Allegheny County.

Book Recommendations

These books were recommend by the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh