Monica Deoras
Global Business and Legal Strategist
Global Commerce, Early Stage Startups, Manufacturing, Energy
Monica has extensive experience providing commercial and legal guidance to the leadership of a Pittsburgh-based international global energy corporation, as well as a mid-sized manufacturing company in the energy sector and venture-capital-backed software companies. Her career has focused on the intersection of technology, business, law and public policy. In these roles, she has been trusted by executives and board members to contribute keen business acumen, and practical legal assessments, guidance on mergers and acquisitions, international sales, project development and help achieve other transformational initiatives. A large portion of her career has been devoted to working with government agencies, and advocacy with both US and international governments. She was appointed as Westinghouse’s representative to US-India Contact Group on International Nuclear Liability established by President Obama and Prime Minister Modi to address nuclear liability issues in India. She also played a lead role in developing a “first-of-a-kind” nuclear suppliers’ code of conduct working with representatives from Canada, China, France, Japan, Russia, South Korea and the United States and the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace.
Specialties include: Energy, Commercial and Legal Strategy, Business development, Partner/team Relationship Management, International Sales, Export Controls, Negotiations, Manufacturing, Business Development; Federal contracting, Corporate Strategy; Strategic Consulting; Relationship Management; International Sales; Negotiation; Government Advocacy and Public Relations