Carnegie Mellon University

Center for the Arts in Society

Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Fine Arts

November 18, 2013

‘Inequality for All’

Movie Screening

Inequality for All

Monday, November 18 - McConomy Auditorium, University Center

5:15 – Pre-screening reception with sponsors’ stalls, pizza
6:15 – Movie screening

“Inequality for All” is a mix of facts, infographics, documentary footage, and profiles of families whose lives have been scarred by the new economy with the personal story of Berkeley Professor Robert Reich’s lifelong work to push for a just economy - including his frustrations serving as Labor Secretary during President Clinton’s first term. Driven by Reich’s humor, feistiness, and passion, this film highlights the fact that working families and the middle class are getting crushed while the super-rich game the system.

“Inequality for All” ties the vast increase in income inequality to the loss of good union jobs, the diversion of economic growth from wages to CEO compensation and profits, the financialization of the economy, cutting taxes for the wealthy, and the failure of government to keep investing in education and infrastructure.

We invite you to join us for a free screening. Robert Reich himself will be Skyping into our venue for a post screening Q & A. At the screening we will highlight some of the ways we fight inequality here in Pittsburgh and the surrounding region.

Brought to you by:

  • Make it Our UPMC
  • The Center for The Arts in Society
  • One Pittsburgh
  • Thomas Merton Center
  • Carnegie Mellon International Film Festival “Faces of Work”
  • CMU Student Affairs
  • CMU English Department
  • The Pittsburgh Collaborative for Working Class Studies

Questions? Contact Kathleen Newman