Carnegie Mellon University

Center for the Arts in Society

Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Fine Arts

October 19, 2012

Listening Spaces

21st Century Perspectives on Music, Technology and Culture

Listening Spaces

Symposium & Workshop

October 19th, 11am-5:30pm
Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry, College of Fine Arts, Room 111

The proliferation of portable as well as computerized audio technologies has transformed radically the way the human beings listen, consume, think about and produce music and sound. We can personalize endlessly the sounds emanating from our cell-phones or use tablet computers as virtual mixing boards and turntables. We have gone from the labor intensive, analog, tactile and at times intensely emotional experience of making a “mixtape” to dragging and dropping files onto play lists. Impersonal machines and equations are doing what friends, acquaintances, DJs and record-store owners once did: recommending music for us to purchase, listen to and enjoy.

Symposium Speakers (11am -1:30pm)

  • Graham Hubbs, The University of Idaho
  • Larisa Mann, New York University
  • Trebor Scholz, The New School
  • Jonathan Sterne, McGill University

Workshop Roundtables (3pm-5:30pm)

Topics to Discuss

  • Public/Private Listening
  • Acquiring Music
  • Utility of Music
  • Playlists and Mixtapes
  • Musical Meaning
  • The Technology of Listening

Questions to Answer

  • What do we do with music?
  • Where do we get music?
  • How and why do we share music?
  • How and why do we recommend music?

The symposium and workshop are part of the Media Initiative Project, “Listening Spaces” and are funded by the Center for the Arts in Society