Carnegie Mellon University

Center for the Arts in Society

Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Fine Arts

February 15, 2012

New Media/News Media

How Technology is Changing the Aesthetics of the News

New Media/News Media

Panel Discussion Co-led by Kathy Newman, English professor, and James Duesing, professor of Animation and video artist

For those of you in the newspaper business we understand that the last 10 years have been years of crisis, revenue shrinking, job loss and other, probably mostly negative upheavals.  How has new technologies changed things for the worse?  What do you see for the future? How can readers/consumers make a difference, if we can?  How is new media changing the kinds of information that you seek, photograph and print? How has it changed the whole way you think about what you do (if it has)? If it hasn't why not?

Erwin Steinberg Auditorium, Baker Hall A53
Wednesday, February 15th, 2012, 4:45pm