Carnegie Mellon University

Center for the Arts in Society

Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences and College of Fine Arts

February 04, 2010

No Cartoon Left Behind

An Evening with Rob Rogers

No Cartoon Left Behind

Thursday, February 4; 7:00 PM, Gregg Hall (Porter Hall 100)

Rob Rogers, political cartoonist for the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
"How a Cartoonist's Brain Works"

Tim Haggerty, Director of the Humanities Scholars Program, Carnegie Mellon
'Those Damned Pictures:' Rob Rogers in Historical Perspective

Patricia Bellan-Gillen, Dorothy L. Stubnitz Professor of Art, School of Art, Carnegie Mellon
“Thievery: Cartoons and Comics in Contemporary Art”

Rob Rogers will sign copies of his book, No Cartoon Left Behind: The Best of Rob Rogers immediately following the talk. Books will be on sale outside of Gregg Hall.

Watch a video of Rob Rogers' lecture, "How a Cartoonist's Brain Works."

Watch a video of Haggerty and Bellan-Gillen's commentaries at the Rob Rogers panel (Tim Haggerty, 'Those Damned Pictures:' Rob Rogers in Historical Perspective; and Patricia Bellan-Gillen, “Thievery: Cartoons and Comics in Contemporary Art”).