Recent Dissertations in History
Amanda Katz, 2021
Levi Raymond Pettler, 2021
A History of History From Below: Race, Class, & Gender
Advisor: Nico Slate
Bradley Sommer, 2021
Tomorrow Never Came: Race, Class, Community, and the Making of a Postindustrial City, Toledo, Ohio, 1930-1980
Advisor: Joe Trotter
Laura Bradshaw, 2020
The Kilowatt Kingdom: Gender, Race, and Public Power in the South, 1917-1958
Advisor: John Soluri
Zhaokun Liu, 2020
Jonathan Stepp, 2020
Anna-Christine Grant, 2020
Alissa Bellotti, 2019
Advisor: Donna Harsch
David Busch, 2019
Susan Grunewald, 2019
Mark Hauser, 2019
Matthew Ryan Nielsen, 2019
Clayton Vaughn-Roberson, 2019
The Prism of Labor: The National Negro Congress and the Anti-Fascist Movement, 1936-1947
Advisor: Nico Slate
Michael Gallen, 2018
Takashi Michael Matsumaru, 2018
Reordering a White City: Blacks and Asians in Seattle, 1963-1997
Advisor: Joe Trotter
Jonathan Neu, 2018
Advisor: Scott Sandage
Dawn Winters, 2018
'The Ladies Are Coming!': A New History of Antebellum Temperance, Women’s Rights, and Political Activism
Advisor: Lisa Tetrault
Rachel Oppenheimer, 2017
Of Prisons and Polities: The Black Panther Party, Irish Republican Army and Radical Socio-Political organization, 1966-1983
Advisor: David Miller
Avigail Oren, 2017
Adjusting to Change: The Jewish Community Center Movement in Postwar Urban America, 1945-1980
Advisor: Caroline Acker
Meredith Soeder, 2017
Jazz in a Transatlantic World: Legitimizing American Jazz in Germany, 1920-1957
Advisor: Donna Harsch
Matthew McGrath, 2017
The Decline of the New Deal Fishery: Labor, Environment, and Independence in the Western Alaskan Fisheries, 1930-1980
Advisors: Joe Trotter and John Soluri
Cassie Miller, 2016
The Changing Parish: Catholics and the Urban Crisis in Twentieth Century Brooklyn and Greater Long Island
Advisors: Joe Trotter and David Miller
John Weigel, 2016
Enlightenment Work: West German Rural Community Development Projects in West Africa, 1961-1980
Advisor: Donna Harsch
Laurence M. Burke II, 2015
What To Do With the Airplane? Determining the Role of the Airplane in the US Army, Navy, and Marine Corps, 1908-1930
Advisor: David Hounshell
Robert Hutchings, 2015
Consuming Nature: Fresh Fruit, Processed Juice, and the Re-Making of the Florida Orange,1877-2014
Advisor: John Soluri
Jiacheng Liu, 2015
Players, Performance and the “Theatrical Public” in Late Qing and Republican Cities
Advisor: Donald Sutton
Andrew E. Masich, 2015
Civil Wars in the Southwest Borderlands: Cultures in Conflict, 1861-1867
Advisor: Joe Trotter
Syed Kaazim Naqvi, 2015
Building an Urban Umma: African American and Immigrant Muslims in Chicago, 1965-1980
Advisor: Joe Trotter
Andrew Ramey, 2015
A Watershed Movement: The Chesapeake Bay Foundation and the Environmental Politics of Restoring the Largest Estuary in the United States
Advisors: John Soluri and Joel Tarr
Jay Roszman, 2015
'Outrage' and 'Justice': Irish Moral Economy, British Reform, and the Development of the Modern State in Ireland, 1835-1841
Advisor: David Miller
Amund Rennesund Tallaksen, 2015
Junkies and Jim Crow: Drugs, Race, and Incarceration in New Orleans, 1880-1980
Advisor: Caroline Acker
Germaine Williams, 2015
(Re)Culturing the City: Race, Urban Development, and Arts Policy in Chicago, 1935-1987
Advisors: Joe Trotter and Judith Schachter
Russell Pryor, 2014
Work, Nature, and the American Dinner Plate: Making Chicken in the Twentieth Century United States
Advisor: Joe Trotter
Ruth Kittner, 2013
Becoming Buff and Blue: Identity Transformation in the Mediatized Territories, The Case of Uberlingen 1790-1820
Advisor: Donna Harsch
Jessica Klanderud, 2013
Street Wisdom: African American Cultural and Community Transformations on the Street in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1918-1970
Advisor: Joe Trotter
Andrew T. Simpson, 2013
Making the Medical Metropolis: Academic Medical Centers and Urban Change in Pittsburgh and Houston, 1945-2010
Advisor: Caroline Acker