Carnegie Mellon University
Day 1: Friday, Sept. 17, 4:30-6:30pm 
In Their Own Interest and Beyond: Reflections on the Impact of a Classic”

Chair: Joe William Trotter, Jr., Giant Eagle University Professor of History and Social Justice and Director, CAUSE


James Grossman, Executive Director of the American Historical Society and Associate Faculty in History, University of Chicago

Deborah Gray White, Board of Governors Distinguished Professor of History, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey

Thomas Guglielmo, Associate Professor of American Studies, the George Washington University


Remarks: Earl Lewis


Day 2: Friday, Sept. 24, 4:30-6:30pm
“Training the Next Generation, Changing the Academy, and Reaping the Harvest.”

         Chair: Nico Slate, Professor of History and Department Head, CMU (to be confirmed)


Thomas Holt, James Westfall Thompson Professor of American and African American History and the College, University of Chicago

Victoria W. Wolcott, Professor of History, SUNY Buffalo

Merida M. Rua, Professor, Latino Studies, Northwestern University

                  Remarks: Earl Lewis

Day 3: Friday, Oct. 1, 4:30-6:30pm
 Part I: Race, Class, and Early American Cities

         Keynote Lecture and Chair:  Leslie M. Harris, Professor of History, Northwestern


Kevin Dawson, “Enslaved Ship Pilots and the Rise of the Black Urban Atlantic World,” Associate Professor, University of California-Merced (to be confirmed)

Emma Hart, “Black Life in Colonial Charleston: An Atlantic Perspective”,
Pennsylvania State University

Leslie Alexander, “’We are A Distinct People’: Black New York”
Associate Professor, African American and African Studies, Oregon

Day 4: Friday, Oct. 8, 4:30-6:30pm
Part II: Emancipation, the Great Migration, and Emergence of the Black Metropolis

Keynote Lecture and Chair: Clarence Lang, Dean of Liberal Arts College, Penn State University


Brian Kelly, “From the Slaves’ Jubilee to White ‘Redemption in Charleston”
Reader in U.S. History, Queen’s University, UK

Millington Bergeson-Lockwood, “Black Politics in Boston”

Community Liaison, US Embassy, Malawi

Davarian Baldwin, “’Chicago could be the Vienna of American Fascism’”

Raether Distinguished Professor of American Studies, Trinity College

 Day 5: Friday, Oct. 15, 4:30-6:30pm
Part III: Modern Black Freedom Struggle, the Digital Age, and New Politics

Keynote Lecture and Chair: Rhonda Williams, Professor of History, John L. Seigenthaler Chair in American History, Vanderbilt University


Marcus Hunter, “Philadelphia’s Black Belt”
Associate Professor of Sociology, African American Studies, UCLA

Donna Murch, “L.A.: Race and Punishment in the Late 20th Century City”

Associate Professor of History, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey 

Kwame Holmes, “Race, History, and Gay Politics in the Nation’s Capital”

Assistant Professor, Ethnic Studies, University of Colorado

Benjamin Houston, “Race in the Rust Belt:  Black Pittsburgh and Narratives of Race Relations in the Deindustrializing Metropolis”
Senior Lecturer in Modern US History, Newcastle University, UK

Concluding Remarks: Joe William Trotter, Jr. and Nico Slate