How Many Others highlights verbatim accounts of the Russian war on Ukraine from four generations of Ukrainian-Jewish women and combines their stories with movement and visual media to shed light on sexual violence as a weapon of war. As we are invited into these women’s lives, pre- and post-Russian invasion, this documentary-style play draws on historical accounts of gendered violence to implore the audience to witness and rectify how history repeats itself.
The play draws on the Centropa oral history archive and the contemporary wartime diaries of's Ukrainian Holocaust educators and their students. We thank and Centropa for their ongoing vital work in preserving Jewish history and memory.
April 7th & 8th at 7:30 pm
Checco Studio A
Purnell Center for the Arts, Room 321
Carnegie Mellon Dramaturgy majors Katie Mae Ryan and Grace Lacarte under the direction of Michal Rose Friedman, Jack Buncher Professor of Jewish Studies, Dept. of History, Carnegie Mellon University and in consultation with Dr. Marta Havryshko of the National Academy of Sciences ol Ukraine, Dept of Contemporary History (currently a URIS fellow at the University of Basel, Switzerland) and Edward Serotta, Founding Director of, contributed research for this project.