Jim Gilchrist
Adjunct Instructor, History
Jim Gilchrist is a Lecturer in the History Department, focusing on religion, politics, and journalism. In addition to CMU, he has taught at Dickinson College and Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. He is a regular participant in the Council on Foreign Relations Workshop on Religion and International Affairs and has traveled to 20 countries.
Carnegie Mellon University – MA in History, PhD in History and Policy
University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs – MPIA (International Affairs); Certificate in International Political Economy
Yale University – BA in Philosophy, MDiv
Doctor of Humane Letters (Honorary), Waynesburg University
- Review essay on Walter Mead, Power, Terror, Peace, and War, in The Christian Century, 2004
- Presentation on “American Religion and the Cold War,” Carnegie Mellon Cold War Symposium, 2000
- “The Globalists: Ecumenical Protestants and the Search for a New World Order, 1941-1983,”, Ph.D. dissertation, Carnegie Mellon University, 1997
- Articles on Professions (with Daniel P. Resnick), Missionaries, Poverty, and Welfare Capitalism, in Peter N. Stearns, ed., Encyclopedia of Social History (New York: Garland), 1994
- Daniel P. Resnick and James A. Gilchrist, “Literacy Development: A Laboratory for Social History,” History of Education Quarterly 30:4, 1990
- James A. Gilchrist, et al., “Selected Public Policies for Employing Disadvantaged and Displaced Workders," prepared for the Pennsylvania General Assembly, 1986