Better Choices, Better Health Workshop
Canceled as of June 13, 2018
Osher Study Leader, Jeanette Matthews, has teamed up with Rosemary Liebmann to present a new course for the Summer 2018 term.
Any adult who has a chronic health condition, or cares for someone who does, can participate in the Better Choices, Better Health program. This six-week series of workshops will help you learn strategies to manage your symptoms and have an improved quality of life. You’ll get the support you need, find practical ways to deal with pain and fatigue, discover better nutrition and exercise choices, and learn better ways to talk with your doctor and family about your health. This evidence-based program, originally developed by Stanford University, is held weekly for 2 ½ hours for six weeks.
Jeanette Matthews and Rosemary Liebmann are trained and certified as Peer Leaders through Vintage, Inc. in East Liberty, facilitated by Master Trainers. The workshop is co-sponsored by Vintage, Inc. and Community College of Allegheny County.
Put more life back in your life!