Member Benefits
Members of Osher at CMU are encouraged to take advantage of a wide spectrum of courses, lectures, and special events designed for adult learners of differing backgrounds and experience. They have opportunities to volunteer and assume positions of leadership.
Benefits of Membership
- Attend OSHER at CMU courses
- Attend OSHER Annual Meeting and receive OSHER’s Annual Report
- Participate in OSHER’s one-day and special multi-day trips
- Attend OSHER special events and Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
- Attend CMU campus forums and lectures
- Use CMU campus libraries, dining facilities, and shuttle system
- Attend, and receive discounts to, CMU concerts, recitals, and productions held in the campus theaters
Discounts for Osher at CMU members
There are discounts availible for Osher at CMU members for the Pittsburgh Public Theatre and the CMU Philharmonic. More information is availible within your Osher at CMU member profile on the registration website.