Carnegie Mellon University

Bulk Register Devices to CMU-DEVICE

Department administrators who are responsible for transitioning a number of devices from the CMU legacy to the CMU-DEVICE wireless network can bulk register devices. 

Complete the steps below to use bulk registration:

  1. Go to the Device Registration tool. 
  2. Log in with your Andrew userID and password.
  3. Click the Wireless option.
  4. Click Toggle Bulk Registration
  5. Select one of the following options:
Enter a Prefix and MAC addresses: 
    1. Enter a hostname prefix to identify your devices. A hostname prefix will be used to generate hostnames for devices by appending a hyphen and a serial number to the prefix. For example, NETSVCS would result in devices with a hostname prefix of NETSVCS-001, NETSVCS-002, etc..
    2. Enter the MAC addresses for each device, one per line (separated by a return).
Upload a CSV file: 
    1. Follow the on-screen instructions to format your file correctly.
    2. Click Choose File, select the file to upload, and then click Upload CSV.