Carnegie Mellon University

In-Person Teaching

Standard classroom technology is available in all registrar classrooms allowing students to learn, collaborate and participate. Some rooms may offer special features like wireless presenting, dual displays, videoconferencing and more. See the classroom locations guide for specific room details.


Quick Reference

present to In-Person Students

  1. Connect the HDMI cable to your laptop to use the touch panel and room projector.
  2. Use the touch panel to share content from your laptop within the classroom.  

IMPORTANT! If you are using a device without an HDMI or USB port, you will need to bring your own multiport adapter.

After I'm set up, I want to...

WHAT I NEED: A laptop with your presentation

WHAT I DO: Open the presentation on your laptop.

  • Under Device on the touch panel, tap Laptop. Your screen will be shared using the room projector in the classroom.

WHAT I NEED: Materials to share with the document camera

WHAT I DO: Place the materials under the document camera.

  • Under Device on the touch panel, tap Document Camera. The document camera will be projected in the classroom.

 WHAT I NEED: A designated student(s) with presentation materials

WHAT I DO: Control the presentation for the student

  1. Obtain a copy of the student's presentation materials in advance of the class. 
  2. Share the presentation.  
  3. Use your laptop to assist with presentation advancement on behalf of the student. 

Want to record your class? Follow the Hybrid Teaching Guide for the classroom where you are teaching.

Help and Support

Equipment Issues

Phone: 412-268-8855 (+ option 1)
Hours: Monday – Friday: 8 am - 10 pm