Carnegie Mellon University

Zoom and Your Privacy

Zoom maintains reasonable physical and technical safeguards to prevent unauthorized disclosure of or access to Customer Data. Zoom will comply with applicable privacy laws and regulations with respect to personal data within Zoom's possession and control. Customers retain ownership of any content or data ("Customer Data") originated from Customer and stored or transmitted using the Services.

Service Administration and Dashboards

Zoom is a complex service requiring in-depth analysis and monitoring to ensure service reliability and enable troubleshooting of issues. Some of this monitoring is facilitated through dashboards that include overall usage information, individual meeting statistics, and access to meeting artifacts, including recordings.

Only Zoom service administrators within Computing Services have access to this monitoring information and meeting data.  Similar to other services, monitoring information is confidential and not shared for purposes other than ensuring the reliability and quality of the service or in cases of emergency as outlined in the Computing Policy. We are also establishing practices to periodically audit access to this material and compliance with university privacy expectations.

Recording Meetings

Recordings may not be shared, distributed, or posted on the Internet without the express written permission of meeting participants. When recording a live class session, Zoom will prompt participants to consent to the recording or instruct them to leave the meeting. That consent is recorded, therefore meeting the requirements of Pennsylvania law for recording a conversation.

Because course recordings are covered under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and must not be shared with any third-party audience (those not registered or associated with the course-section), follow the strict FERPA Guidelines for Recording Class Sessions as provided by university legal counsel.