Throughout its nearly 200 years of history, Allegheny College has consistently challenged its students to develop the highly valued ability to explore critical issues from multiple perspectives.  Over and over again, we hear from leaders in business, government and medicine that the future belongs to individuals who are innovators, inventors, and big-picture thinkers—those who can think both creatively and analytically.  It is this preparation for careers—and for life—that Allegheny, with its emphasis on "Unusual Combinations", is known for providing.

With a student population of 2,100, Allegheny has the opportunity to provide its students with an intimate environment that is at once challenging and supportive.  Our Senior Comprehensive Project has consistently been nationally recognized as a "stellar example" of a senior capstone experience.  In addition, our first-year advisory program helps ensure each student develops a four-year program to match their individual goals and needs.

Allegheny is located in Meadville, Pennsylvania -- a county seat of 30,000 people, conveniently located within two hours of three major cities.  The city itself offers a myriad of opportunities for community service, professional development, and outdoor recreation.  The area boasts numerous attractions-- including Pennsylvania's oldest market house and French Creek, considered by some to be the most biologically diverse creek east of the Mississippi.