Study on the leading edge of discovery — from the nano-sized to a limitless universe.

"Professors really care about you and your wellbeing, and I've been able to get to know a lot of professors by just talking to them before classes. "
Mellon College of Science
Join our relentless search for a deeper understanding of what the world is made of and how it works. In the Physics department, our theorists work with pencil and paper, with the largest computers in the world, and with machine learning colleagues on campus. If you’re a let’s-try-it-one-more-time experimenter or a never-satisfied questioner, you’ll fit right in. You’ll find excellence across our chosen research areas: subatomic physics, quantum electronics, cosmology, and biological physics. Mentoring you — the next generation of scholars — is our passion.
Classes of 2022 and 2023, Six Months After Graduation
Employed or in Grad School
Average Salary
Recent Employers
Fulbright U.S. Student Program
Amazon Web Services
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
High School Course Requirements
*Four years of mathematics should include at least algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry, elementary functions (pre-calculus) and preferably calculus. Advanced mathematics courses are encouraged, especially a course in calculus.

Mix It Up
You’re not just one thing. You’re a scientist. An artist. A technologist. A maker. A writer. Carnegie Mellon has been mixing it up for decades, and whatever you want to pursue, we’ve got the right mix for you.