Special Programs
Where you’ll find an approach to the humanities and social sciences that’s as unique as your interests.

Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Special Programs
This is the kind of place that prides itself on mixing fields and merging expertise every day — so naturally, we’ve designed programs to let you do the same. With two scholars programs and one inter-college degree that let you study the humanities and social sciences from an angle that aligns with your interests, you’ll get an interdisciplinary experience that prepares you for an interconnected world.
High School Course Requirements
**Three years of mathematics should include at least algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry, elementary functions as well as pre-calculus. Advanced mathematics courses are encouraged.

Submit your application for the Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Mix It Up
You’re not just one thing. You’re a scientist. An artist. A technologist. A maker. A writer. Carnegie Mellon has been mixing it up for decades, and whatever you want to pursue, we’ve got the right mix for you.