Congratulations, Graduates!
Classes of 2020, 2021 and 2022 celebrate Commencement
By Stefanie Johndrow
Family, friends and Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences faculty and staff celebrated the classes of 2022, 2021 and 2020 at Carnegie Mellon University’s 124th Commencement in Gesling Stadium, May 13-15.
Dietrich College conferred 390 undergraduate degrees, 113 master’s degrees and 39 doctorates this year. In addition, 11 Science and Humanities Scholars received undergraduate degrees from the college.
“Congratulations to all of the graduates of the Class of 2022, as well as members of the classes of 2020 and 2021 who could not join us until now. A Carnegie Mellon education is regarded as among the most rigorous in the world, and our graduates are regarded as among the best prepared in the world,” said Richard Scheines, Bess Family Dean of the Dietrich College. “Huge thanks to the families and friends who supported our graduates before they came to CMU and throughout their collegiate experience.”
More than 300 graduating seniors received University and/or College Honors. Undergraduates with a 3.5 or higher quality point average (QPA) received University Honors, and students who completed an honors thesis as part of the college’s Senior Honors Program received College Honors.
Friday, May 13, nearly 60 graduates were honored at the university’s Senior Leadership Recognition Awards.
Lisa Oguike — who earned a bachelor’s degree in international relations and politics with an additional major in science technology and public policy — was the undergraduate student speaker at Sunday’s conferral of degrees. After graduation, Oguike will pursue a master’s degree in international politics at SOAS University of London.
“Though we leave Carnegie Mellon today as alumni and no longer students, I hope that you all keep your hearts in the work, because there’s so much of it to be done,” Oguike said. “Use the privilege this degree affords you to stand up for something and make a true change in the lives of people.”
View University Honors recipients
- Estella Aditirto
- Keerthi Adusumilli
- Mahima Aggarwal
- Yeju Ahn
- Lazar Andjelic
- Emily Archer
- Krishna Arjun
- Shane Aung
- Yoo Sug Bae
- Edwin Baik
- Bhavishya Banda
- Sydney Barlow
- Leila Berger
- Ananya Bhat
- Kexin Bian
- Themistokles Bournias
- Isabel Brannan
- Erika Brooks
- Katherine Buchan
- Anna-Sophia Burke
- Oliver Burnett
- Callan Capitolo
- Katharine Carlson
- Madeline Cech
- Yifei Cen
- Hannah Chan
- Iris Chang
- Victoria Chang
- Ping-Ya Chao
- Chuanye Chen
- Evans Chen
- Qiyun Chen
- Sarah Chen
- Zixi Chen
- Rong Kang Chew
- Minsung Cho
- Jae Hyuk Choi
- Lucy Choi
- Thomas Choi
- Dylan Chou
- Sabrina Chua
- Andrew Chuang
- Adhiti Chundur
- Catherine Cockrell
- Mark Coopershlyak
- Shefali Dahiya
- Colin Daniel
- Frederick Dean
- Gavin Deiss
- Heoseph Desir
- Donald Dinerman
- Yuran Ding
- David Domalik
- Krishna Donepudi
- Jamie Dorst
- Catherine Du
- Emily DuBois
- Max Dunaevschi
- Jason Edmunds
- Maya English
- Lynn Fernandez
- Jessica Figard
- Jonathan Fischer
- John Fuller
- Andrew Furlong
- Aarathi Garimella
- Samuel Gibson
- Aneil Gir
- Sophia Gollis
- Elsie Goren
- Harrison Grodin
- Jiayue Guo
- Ze Guo
- Sohini Gupta
- James Hagerty
- Sathya Hari
- Liliana Hendrix
- Douglas Heymann
- Gloria Ho
- Sophia Ho
- Meghan Holquist
- Natalie Hon
- Ingrid Hu
- Jinyuan Hu
- Angela Huang
- Caitlin Huang
- Lily Huang
- Sandy Huang
- Sidai Huang
- Xianghe Huang
- Xinyi Huang
- Xiyue Huang
- Bennett Huffman
- Susanna Hur
- Ayaan Hussain
- Mohammad Imran Hyder
- Kieran Ireland
- Marie-Michelle Ivantechenko
- Lucas Jia
- Xiangyi Jiang
- Omisa Jinsi
- Neha Joshi
- Rajeswari Kambhamettu
- Baekjoon Kang
- Gautam Kapoor
- Ishika Kasliwal
- Daphne Kass
- Adrianos Kelesoglou
- Rahul Khare
- Grace Kim
- Julia Kim
- Minseo Kim
- Mirie Kim
- Samuel Kim
- Riley Knavish
- Ashwin Konkimalla
- Darren Kopa
- Irina Kramkova
- Agam Kumar
- Victoria Kuo
- James Lederman
- Hyo Min Lee
- Sangyup Francis Lee
- Zachary Lee
- Austin Leung
- Kayla Leung
- Jerry Li
- Jiabei Li
- May Li
- Megan Li
- Raymond Li
- Yuang Li
- Michael Lim
- Justin Lipton
- Eric Liu
- Rachael Liu
- Dennis Lo
- Steven Lu
- Xinyang Lu
- Joseph Luetkehans
- Amy Luo
- Tina Luo
- Li Lyu
- Qianou Ma
- Navid Mamoon
- Grant Martin
- Skyler Mason
- Matilda McDougall
- Govind Menon
- Iris Miao
- Joanna Miao
- Jason Mei
- Samuel Minc
- Kaiqi Mo
- Mira Mookerjee
- Kyra Musmanno
- Adem Musovic
- Megan Naji
- Daniel Ng
- Francis Ng
- Tze Ling Ng
- Renee Nikolov
- Jivak Nischal
- Chukwumaobim Nnaeto
- Zachary Novack
- Bryan Nowlan
- Eunice Oh
- Matthew Ok
- Su Myat Tin Oo
- Claudia Osorio
- Mallory Page
- Nicholas Pallotto
- Lauryn Patt
- Audrey Pederson
- Kristopher Perez
- Katherine Petrakis
- Leanne Phillips
- Eri Phinisee
- Dylan Pollak
- Skylar Pollock
- Andy Poon
- Enza Potter
- Uma Pradeepan
- Lauren Pugeda
- Viraj Puri
- Elizabeth Purnell
- Pauline Qin
- Yuyang Qiu
- Arjun Ramachandran
- Stephanie Ramsay
- Shalini Rao
- Nithin Ravi
- Sean Ream
- Emma Reed
- Zilin Ren
- Martina Rethman
- Lila Rokanas
- Jonathan Roman
- Rohit Roy
- Alex Ryu
- Chaeyeon Ryu
- Katherine Sabel
- Clark Safran
- Bethany Sanov
- Jared Santa Maria
- Natalia Santiago
- Riccardo Santoni
- Aaron Satyanarayana
- Audra Scheinman
- Zachary Schieffer
- Amanda Schwartz
- Shrila Senthil
- Aayush Shah
- Asadali Sheikh
- Noni Shelton
- Yuxi Shi
- Victoria Shiau
- Hanxiao Si
- Nicklaus Smith
- Max Sobkov
- Roni Sosis
- Edward Steinbaum
- Carrie Stewart
- Sean Sullivan
- Melody Sun
- Vivian Sun
- Xinyi Sun
- Preethi Surapaneni
- Catherine Taipe
- Alayna Tillman
- Julianne Tippett
- Aramya Trivedi
- Stephanie Tseng
- Miguel Uribe
- Esteban Vazquez Cardona
- Raina Vin
- Simran Virdi
- Divya Viswanathan
- Meet Wadhwa
- Nora Wai
- Kieran Walsh
- Justin Wang
- Melanie Wang
- Serena Wang
- Zilin Wang
- Anastasia Wass
- Shannon Werntz
- Madison Williamson
- Angela Wu
- Jacqueline Wu
- Joyce Wu
- Zhida Xu
- Thomas Yager
- Daphne Yang
- Jung Inn Yang
- Melissa Yang
- Daniel Yeh
- Joe Chuen Yu
- Tyler Yurek
- Jailyn Zabala
- Peter Zaccardi
- Sabrina Zafar
- Jason Zhan
- Zhenxin Zhang
- Kate Zhao
- Yuanfei Zhao
- Agnes Zhou
- Yuqi Zhou
- Dunmin Zhu
- Yulu Zhu
- Yutong Zhu
View College Honors recipients
- Keerthi Adusumilli (Tepper School of Business honors)
- Sydney Barlow
- Leila Berger
- Ping-Ya Chao
- Chuanye (Jack) Chen
- Dylan Chou
- Jessica Figard
- Andrew Furlong
- Ze Guo (Tepper School of Business honors)
- Marie-Michelle Ivantechenko
- Omisa Jinsi
- Daphne Kass
- James Lederman
- Yuang Li (Tepper School of Business honors)
- Rachael Liu
- Qianou Ma
- Matilda McDougall
- Shambhavi Mishra (BHA)
- Francis Ng
- Renee Nikolov
- Zachary Novack
- Mallory Page
- Nicholas Pallotto (Tepper School of Business honors)
- Lauren Pugeda
- Elizabeth Purnell
- Alice Russell
- Martina Rethman
- Bethany Sanov
- Natalia Santiago
- Aramya Trivedi
- Anastasia Wass
- Madison Williamson
- Jacqueline Wu
- James Yurek
- Agnes Zhou
- Yuqi Zhou
- Yutong (Max) Zhu
View Senior Leadership Recognition Awards recipients
- Thomas Abraham
- Emily Archer
- Sydney Barlow
- Ananya Bhat
- Victoria Chang
- Qiyun Chen
- Neha Chintamaneni
- Caitlyn Clendenin
- Catherine Cockrell
- David Domalik
- Emily DuBois
- Parker Felterman
- John Fuller
- Sam Gibson
- Maya Greenholt
- Neha Joshi
- Julia Kang
- Mirie Kim
- Riley Knavish
- Austin Leung
- Steven Lu
- Xinyang Lu
- Govind Menon
- Renee Nikolov
- Obi Nnaeto
- Lisa Oguike
- Eunice Oh
- Atahomon Okaisabor
- Alexis Ozimok
- Lauryn Patt
- Audrey Pederson
- Elektra Petrakis
- Dylan Pollak
- Skylar Pollock
- Akwelle (Q) Quaye
- Arjun Ramachandran
- Sean Ream
- Lila Rokanas
- Alexander Sahinidis
- Aaron Satyanarayana
- Alice Shashkina
- Asadali Sheikh
- Roni Sosis
- Catherine Taipe
- Fiona Thendean
- Austin Treu
- Stephanie Tseng
- Esteban Vazquez Cardona
- Simran Virdi
- Serena Wang
- Tim Wang
- Anastasia Wass
- Leah Weslock
- Madison Williamson
- Jacqueline Wu
- Sabrina Zafar
- Kate Zhao
Parker Felterman left CMU this spring with four degrees: a bachelor’s and master’s degree in philosophy, a BFA in drama and bachelor’s degree in social and political history. Felterman also co-founded an education technology company called Thales Education, LLC, with fellow CMU students and alumni Carl Young and Emily Knott.
“Carnegie Mellon has both helped me develop into who I’ve always wanted to be and led me down paths I had not previously envisioned. Prior to arriving at CMU, for example, I could not have known that a few years later I would be an Army Intelligence Officer, as well as a business owner,” Felterman said. “I feel confident I can accomplish any task set before me, and if I don’t know how to accomplish it, I have the skills necessary to learn how. I believe I can hold my own intellectually and culturally in most debates or discussions, and can speak intelligently on a variety of disciplines. There is no task too difficult nor challenge too daunting considering the tasks and challenges CMU has had me complete and prepare for. I further feel prepared to academically and professionally explore whatever areas of interest I come across, which CMU especially assisted in as I don’t know of many other universities that would allow a student three majors and two minors. Carnegie Mellon has helped me grow as a leader, thinker and member of society, and for that I will forever owe my thanks and gratitude.”
The journey that Shrila Senthil — a 2022 graduate of the Department of Psychology — had at CMU has helped prepare her for her job post-graduation. Senthil will be a product manager at the tech company Alteryx in New York City.
“It's hard to put into words how grateful I am for having these last four years at CMU. I've learned more about diversity, patience, novelty, determination and the list goes on. This school has quite literally seen my blood, sweat, and tears, and every victory and challenge has shaped the person I am today,” Senthil said. “Whether it was doing research at the ‘Baby Lab,’ pulling all-nighters at Hunt Library, or making lifelong friends during ‘O-week,’ I'll hold on tight to each and every memory I've made here.”
Department of History graduate Emma Reed also made the most out of her CMU career. During her junior year, Reed dropped her civil engineering major to pursue a major in global studies.
“What has most prepared me for life after graduation is the idea that paths can — and most likely will — change. I started off my time at CMU as a civil engineering major, dead-set on becoming a city planner. However, after many things that life threw at me, I realized that that was not the path that was for me,” Reed said. “Now, I will be heading to George Washington University in Washington D.C. to pursue my master's in mental health counseling. I think that I — like a lot of 18-year-olds heading to college — thought that I had to have everything immediately figured out. I found out that that is not the case. I'm grateful that I had this wild academic journey to show me that life can take you in many fulfilling directions.”