Faculty Development Resources
Find resources for every stage of your career, including workshops and seminars, best practices for instructors and more.
Resources for Incoming and Junior Faculty
Explore a collection of essential resources designed to support incoming faculty during onboarding at Dietrich.
Faculty Development Workshops and Seminars
Every year, Dietrich College offers a series of Faculty Development Workshops, covering topics including syllabus design, connecting students with experiential learning opportunities, communicating your research to the media, discovering your bargaining power and more.
Guidance for Faculty re: Generative AI, like ChatGPT
Vince Sha, associate dean of IT and operations, and the many faculty committee members worked to explore and synthesize key information about teaching in today’s AI world. The Best Practice Guide captures the primary issues and needs. This is a living document the team will continue to update, but it is a fantastic place to either start your learning or find resources to take the next step.
Faculty Development Workshops and Seminars
Generative AI for Teaching and Research
Monday, Sept. 16, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Dean's Office Conference Room (Baker 154R)
We will review best practices, recent developments and generative AI projects being conducted in Dietrich College. The workshop will also include an opportunity for faculty to ask questions about how large language models (LLMs) can be integrated into teaching and research.
Host: Vincent Sha, associate dean of IT and operations
Scholars at CMU: A Workshop to Publish a Public Profile in Five Easy Steps
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 10:00-11:00a.m., Posner Grand Room 340
Administered by the CMU Libraries, Scholars at CMU is an online resource to find experts and discover potential collaborators at the university. Public Profiles showcase faculty achievements, publications, grants and professional and teaching activities. This workshop will demonstrate how Dietrich faculty can create their public profiles on Scholars at CMU in five easy steps. Please bring a laptop to the session to follow along and publish your profile.
Host: Jason Glenn, program director for research information management services
Handling Difficult Moments in the Classroom
Tuesday, Oct. 8, noon-1 p.m., Dean's Office Conference Room (Baker 154R)
In the wake of crisis, tragedy or social unrest, students can struggle emotionally, face disruptions to daily life and experience setbacks in learning. This workshop delves into practical strategies for creating a supportive and productive learning environment during challenging times. Join your colleagues for a deep discussion on best practices to empower students and foster resilience.
Host: Ayana Ledford, associate dean for community impact and educational outreach
The Art of Negotiation
Tuesday, Jan. 21, noon-1 p.m., Dean's Office Conference Room (Baker 154R)
No matter your role or experience level, learning how to negotiate is an essential leadership skill to apply in every aspect of your life. Register to attend this presentation and you will be able to recognize the barriers to making the ask, start to create your negotiation plan and discover your bargaining power!
Host: Ayana Ledford, associate dean for community impact and educational outreach
Grants 101
Monday, Feb. 10, 9-10 a.m., Dean's Office Conference Room (Baker 154R)
Please join us for a workshop introducing faculty to grants and funding opportunities. We'll also discuss strategies for fostering relationships with program officers.
Hosts: Julie Downs, associate dean of research and Lisa Vento, director, sponsored research administration
Inclusive Teaching
Tuesday, March 18, 5-6 p.m., Dean's Office Conference Room (Baker 154R)
Hear approaches from the Provost's Inclusive Teaching Fellows on how they promote DEIB strategies in their work.
Host: Ayana Ledford, associate dean for community impact and educational outreach
Helping Students Connect with Experiential Learning Opportunities
Monday, April 14, 3:30-4:30 p.m., Dean's Office Conference Room (Baker 154R)
Dietrich seeks to ensure that every student can participate in experiential learning throughout their undergraduate program. This workshop is designed to help faculty understand the variety of opportunities for students in the college via community engagement, internships, service learning, study abroad and undergraduate research.
Host: Kimberly Piatt, director of experiential learning