Carnegie Mellon University

Other Opportunities

Learn about other educational opportunities available to Dietrich College students.

Fall 2024 Course Opportunities

Fall 2024 CMIST Courses

These courses fulfill the gen ed perspectives on justice and injustice requirement. 

84-309 American Political Divides and Great Debates

  • Professor Jonathan Cervas
  • Tuesday/Thursday 2-3:20 p.m.
  • No prerequisites

This is a dynamic course that delves into the complexities of political polarization in the United States. This course is designed not only to educate but also to actively engage students in the analysis of some of the most divisive and challenging issues facing the nation today, including the 2nd Amendment, abortion rights, crime, and immigration policy.

Throughout the semester, students will engage in a variety of learning activities including critical readings, in-depth discussions, and live debates. These components are structured to encourage a deep understanding of the multifaceted nature of American political divides. Students will be challenged to explore and argue from viewpoints different from their own, fostering a broader perspective and empathy in understanding opposing arguments.

This course offers students a platform to deeply engage with the current political climate, understand the roots of American political divides, and develop skills essential for civic engagement and discourse. This course is ideal for students with interests in political science, history, law, social justice, and those looking to gain a deeper understanding of the complex political landscape of the United States and its implications for justice and injustice in society.

84-367 The Politics of Antisemitism

  • Professor Dan Silverman
  • Tuesday/Thursday 12:30-1:50 p.m.
  • No prerequisites

The course examines the phenomenon of antisemitism in contemporary international politics. Antisemitism is an old form of prejudice, but concerns about its growth and consequences are very present in the news today. Meanwhile, the term has also become something of a political football domestically and abroad and has been instrumentalized by different political factions who accuse one another of engaging in it. What is antisemitism and how should we define it? What are the main dynamics and trends in antisemitic attitudes and behaviors in the U.S. and around the world? What fuels these attitudes and behaviors, and what are their chief political consequences? This course aims to engage with these questions in a thoughtful and empirical way by grounding itself in the growing political and social science literature on antisemitism, and bringing a careful social scientific lens to these challenging issues.

F24 Class for Non-Majors, 88-235 Negotiation: Strategies and Behavioral Insights

Fulfills the Dietrich General Education Business requirement!

  • Silvia Saccardo
  • Wednesday 7:00-9:50 p.m. I BH A36

Elevate your STEM toolkit with key negotiation skills! Dive into the art and science of negotiation to boost your potential in work and life.

Negotiation is key for resource allocation, career advancement, effective teamwork, persuasively presenting ideas and everyday interactions.


Uncover the strategies and psychology behind successful negotiations. Practice how to sway outcomes in your favor with hands-on learning, simulations and debriefs that highlight practical takeaways.

Perfect for all majors, this course complements other technical and analytical skills.

Introduction to Life Design

  • Fridays 10:00-11:50
  • 3 units
  • CMU-PGH juniors and seniors

The Career & Professional Development Center is pleased to continue to offer: 99-264 Introduction to Life Design. 

The course uses design thinking to address the complex problem of designing one's personal life and career. This class offers a framework, tools, and most importantly, a community of peers where we’ll work on these issues through assigned readings, reflections, and in-class exercises. The course employs a design thinking approach to help students from any major develop a constructive and effective approach to finding and designing their lives and vocations after Carnegie Mellon.

This course is not designed as a "job search" class.  It is for students who desire to explore how to build their own life of meaning.

If you or your students have any questions, please reach out to Kevin Monahan.

Feedback from Current Class:

  • “Most people live their life prescribed to them by some preconceived notions or expectations, this class gives you the skills to break down your life decisions and customize a life that’s built with you in mind.”
  • "It’s collaborative, it’s a dedicated space to pause the grind and think about where you are in life and where you are going."
  • "Introduction to Life Design provides students with ideas on how to build on their life decisions through discussion with peers and the professor."

  • "Hearing from others’ perspectives helps to get a better understanding of how you can structure your life."
  • "Learning about yourself and the tools that will help you make important decisions in the future."
  • "You, too, have a life. Design it."

Fall 2024 Courses in the Languages, Cultures & Applied Linguistics Department

82-283 Language, Diversity & Cultural Identity

This course explores the intricate relationship between language, culture and identity, emphasizing the significance of linguistic diversity in global contexts. Through four modules and a final project, students examine how language choices impact communities and nations, with a focus on applied linguistics and multilingual studies aimed at fostering social change.

Fulfills Intercultural and Global Inquiry gen ed requirement. Taught in English

82-279 Anime: Visual Interplay Between Japan and the World

This course delves into the integral role of anime in contemporary Japanese culture, examining its global appeal through cultural analyses of renowned productions like Studio Ghibli's films and Cyberpunk. Exploring the origins of Japanese animation from prewar to postwar works, including manga influences, the course also evaluates anime's potential as a significant art form within broader cultural contexts.

Fulfills the Arts gen ed requirement. Taught in English. 

Consider Research For Fall 2024

One of the greatest advantages of attending a “research university” like Carnegie Mellon is the opportunity to participate in the research that faculty are pursuing. If this appeals to you, consider the Dietrich College Freshman-Sophomore Research Training Courses for fall 2024.

Research Training Courses are semester-long, structured independent studies for Dietrich College freshmen and sophomores, designed to give students some real research experience working with a faculty member in a current project or lab, and in so doing to stimulate and nurture further interest in research in future semesters. 

Research Training Courses (RTC) are open to those students who will be second semester freshmen or sophomores during the semester in which they will take the course.

View Fall 2024 Research Training courses