Carnegie Mellon University

Job Environment


Job Environment Inventory



Copyright Information

Not a copyrighted scale

Primary References

1. Matthews, K. A., Cottington, E. M., Talbott, E. O., Kuller, L. H., & Siegel, J. M. (1987). Stressful work conditions and diastolic blood pressure among blue collar workers. American Journal of Epidemiology, 126, 280-291.

2. Cottington, E. M. (1983). Occupational stress, psychosocial modifiers, and blood pressure in a blue-collar population. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Pittsburgh, Graduate School of Public Health, Pittsburgh, PA.


This is a measure assessing stressful work conditions. It contains two subscales: Skills (4 items) and Autonomy (3 items). The remaining 2 items are evaluated separately.

Higher scores indicate greater utilization of skills and less autonomy.

Type of Measure

Modified. The Mind-Body version of the scale consists of nine questions selected from the original Job Environment Inventory.  Selected items are relevant to perceptions of the following aspects of the respondent’s workplace experience:  (1) control over his or her job conditions; (2) having the opportunity to utilize his or her skills and knowledge; and (3) the level of demand associated with his or her job.


Using 4- or 5-point rating scales, respondents indicate the frequency with which various conditions apply to their workplace experience.  A single item asks respondents to rate on a 4-point scale the quantity of work associated with their job.


Varies across questions.

Number of Items


Sample Items

How often are you the one who decides on the best way to get your particular job done?
How much work do you have on the job?
On the job, how often are you given a chance to do the things you do best?


Internal Consistencies (Cronbach’s α) in PMBC:

Autonomy subscale:  0.76

Skills subscale:  0.44


Autonomy subscale:  sum items 2, 3, 4

Skills subscale:  sum items 1, 7, 8, 9


