Carnegie Mellon University

Marital Satisfaction


Marital-Adjustment Test



Copyright Information

Available in the public domain

Primary Reference

Locke, H., & Wallace, K. (1959). Short marital-adjustment and prediction tests: Their reliability and validity. Marriage and Family Living, 21, 251-255.


To measure marital adjustment and satisfaction among married participants and those in long-term committed relationships.


Participants answer a question about their general level of happiness in the present marriage or long-term live-in relationship, their perception of the level of agreement between the spouses on a number of issues, ways of handling disagreement, and regrets that one might have about being in this particular relationship.  A higher score indicates more marital satisfaction.


Varies across questions

Number of Items


Sample Items

  • State the approximate extent of agreement or disagreement between you and your mate on the following items: handling family finances, matters of recreation, etc.
  • Do you and your mate engage in outside interests together?
  • Do you ever wish you had not married?


In a sample of white, middle class, protestant participants (n=236):  Split-half reliability coefficient (Spearman-Brown formula) = 0.90


Total Score