Housing Introduces Neighborhood Desk Model
- Director of Marketing, Student Affairs
Housing's Desk Services is introducing a new neighborhood desk model! Each campus neighborhood - the Morewood Corridor, The Hill, and the Oakland community - will have one desk location per area - Morewood Gardens, Donner House, and Residence on Fifth, respectively.
Staffed by desk attendants, these desks serve as resources for the following services and amenities:
- general information about buildings in the neighborhoods, available amenities, neighborhood events, and campus directions
- equipment check out
- lock out assistance (beginning when classes start)
- lost and found
- liaison for general Housing Services and Residential Education questions
- red cart check-out
- printing stations (including paper/stapler stocking and basic troubleshooting)
An important goal of the neighborhood model is to improve security within the residence halls. Thus, all residents will be required to use their ID cards to gain access to any housing building. Desk attendants will not buzz any students into a building, so all students/residents will need to have access on their ID cards or have a resident of the building accompany them in.
This chart explains in more detail services and access per neighborhood desk:
The Hill Neighborhood
Donner House
Open from 10:00 - 2:00 a.m.
Phone Number: 412-268-3080
Boss House
Donner House
Henderson House
Margaret Morrison Apartments
Margaret Morrison Greek
McGill House
Resnik House
Roselawn Apartments
Scobell House
Spirit House
Welch House
West Wing
Woodlawn Apartments
Residents of The Hill will be able to access the Donner printing station and desk. (Hill residents interested in using the music rooms in Donner on a regular basis will need to request access from their housefellow.)
Morewood Corridor Neighborhood
Morewood Gardens
Open from 10:00 - 2:00 a.m.
Phone Number: 412-268-2080
Mudge House
Stever House
Greek Quad
All Morewood Corridor residents will have access to the front door of Morewood Gardens in order to access the computer lab, makerspaces, and other community spaces on the first floor of the building.
Oakland Neighborhood
Residence on Fifth (4700 Fifth Avenue)
Open 24 hours a day
Phone Number: 412-268-1518
Clyde House
Fairfax Apartments
Highland Apartments
Neville Apartments
Residence on Fifth
Shady Oak Apartments
Shirley Apartments
Webster Apartments
All Oakland residents will have access to the front door of the Residence on Fifth building in order to access the desk, printing station, and common areas of the first floor.