Carnegie Mellon University
January 20, 2016

10 Things to Love About CMU’s Dietrich College

exterior of baker and porter hall

It has been said that Carnegie Mellon University’s Dietrich College of Humanities and Social Sciences is not an ordinary liberal arts school.

Dietrich College undergraduates can choose from more than 60 majors – everything from Chinese Studies to Statistics. At the graduate level, students research and collaborate with others throughout the college and CMU to learn how to solve problems outside of the confines of one discipline.

Both undergraduate and graduate students work closely with Dietrich College’s world-class faculty who train them to be leaders and critical thinkers and to use their education as a launching pad for successful and varied careers.

Within the Dietrich College, real world problems are analyzed, challenged and solved, contributions are made in traditional ways and global differences are made. Dietrich College students, faculty and alumni do a lot. Here are 10 of the many things to love.