Carnegie Mellon University
March 30, 2013

Erwin R. Steinberg Memorial Lecture Given by Ginny Redish on April 16

The late Carnegie Mellon University English Professor Erwin R. Steinberg was one of the great pioneers of plain language and technical writing in the 20th century. From his earliest teaching and consulting to his long tenure at CMU, he advocated, encouraged, and taught clarity and a user focus in everything his students and his clients wrote.

To honor Steinberg, the English Department hosted a memorial lecture on Tuesday, April 16 at 4:30 p.m. in Baker Hall's Steinberg Auditorium (A53). Distinguished lecturer Ginny Redish connected 20th century history with the current state of technical writing and plain language. Redish is the president of Redish & Associates, Inc. and a fellow of the Society for Technical Communication. She showed us how Professor Steinberg's work helped shape the modern version of plain language - research-based, defined by people's behavior not by a formula, and covering much more than short sentences and simple words.

To watch the whole lecture given by Ginny Redish, click here.

Related Article: Plain Language and the Legacy of Professor Erwin R. Steinberg Memorial Lecture To Be Held April 16 at 4:30 p.m.