Carnegie Mellon University

Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Teaching Science to Non Majors

Sherwood, G. and Silva, G.

Many students are required to take a Science course but their options sound difficult and abstract courses. Two professors of the Chemistry Department teamed up to design a course on cosmetic products to teach students the fundamentals of chemistry and good laboratory practice. Students attended a lecture where they learnt about biological aspects of the substrate (skin, hair) and about the structure and function of the chemicals applied on it. They performed 5 experiments and prepared 12 different common products. As a final exam, in pairs, students designed and prepared two products of their choice that they branded and pitched in a public presentation. The products were also displayed at a homecoming event; students proudly showed them to friends and public. We think that presenting Science as every-day products is an attractive way to engage a broad range of students in Science.

Gizelle Sherwood, Chemistry
Gloria Silva, Chemistry