Many of the decisions affecting the success of a course take place well before the first day of class. Careful planning at the course design stage not only makes teaching easier and more enjoyable, it also facilitates student learning. Once your course is planned, teaching involves implementing your course design on a day-to-day level.
Design Your Course
To design an effective course, you need to:
- Consider timing and logistics
- Recognize who your students are
- Identify the situational constraints
- Articulate your learning objectives
- Identify potential assessments
- Identify appropriate instructional strategies
- Plan your course content and schedule
Write a Syllabus
View syllabus specific information on how to:
- Write a syllabus for a new course
- Revise a syllabus
- Check your syllabus against Faculty Senate recommendations
- View samples of syllabi
Teach Your Course
Here you can find information on how to:
- Make the most of the first day of class
- Implement effective instructional strategies
(lectures, discussions, labs, studios, case studies) - Anticipate and respond to cultural differences in the classroom
- Create a productive and inclusive learning environment
- Manage your course (on-line and off-line)
- Assess your teaching effectiveness & student learning
- Address problematic student behavior
- Direct students to support services
- Teaching from an anti-racist pedagogical stance
This site supplements our 1-on-1 teaching consultations.
CONTACT US to talk with an Eberly colleague in person!