Carnegie Mellon University
Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Write a Syllabus

The course syllabus is a place for you as the instructor to communicate your course design to your students. The recommendations compiled on this site represent those recently passed by the CMU Faculty Senate as well as those that we, as an evidence-based teaching center, advocate. As you work on your course syllabus, please feel free to reach out to the Eberly Center for a consultation.

students working in computer lab

Write Your Syllabus for a New Course

Build your course syllabus by designing the main components of your course and ensuring that those components are aligned with each other. Use this template [pdf] [doc] to build your course syllabus.

lecture in gates

Revise Your Syllabus

Use this resource to target particular course components of your current syllabus for revision. The revised syllabus you create will be compliant with the new CMU Faculty Senate recommendations

student meeting and collaboration

Check Your Syllabus for CMU Faculty Senate Recommendations

Use our checklist to ensure that your course syllabus has everything it needs.

architecture classroom

View Samples of CMU Syllabi

These sample CMU syllabi are provided to illustrate the various ways that faculty members can package all of the information contained in this site. 


This site supplements our 1-on-1 teaching consultations.

Talk with an Eberly Colleague in person!