Carnegie Mellon University

Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Yes And: Skillbuilding with Applied Improv

Gray, B.

I use applied improv to engage students and help them practice complex skills, and encourage more teachers across disciplines to consider this approach. I teach a soft skills mini for Information Systems majors that helps them develop tools to practice those skills that need improvement. For each skill we cover, I break it into component parts through research and my own experience. For example, listening requires staying present, hearing without judgement, paraphrasing, etc. Then I may find/develop improv exercises to practice that subskill in class. During the roundtable, I’ll choose one subskill and demonstrate an exercise. Lessons learned: 1) Clearly connect the exercise to class topics 2) Thoughtfully plan debriefs 3) Understand students may not have the experience you intend. I will share some books/websites for improv exercises, as well as my contact info. 

Brian Gray, Information Systems