Carnegie Mellon University

Eberly Center

Teaching Excellence & Educational Innovation

Collaborative U In OLI: Easy Intervention Improves Efficacy In Student Project Teams

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Collaboration and teamwork are critical skills in today’s workplace, but teaching them
effectively is a challenge, and too many teams turn into bad experiences for both
students and professors.
Now you can assign Collaborative U on OLI at the start of a major group project.
Students complete two hour-long units individually online, covering basic diversity and
conflict communication skills. Each is followed by a 20-minute activity in the project
team, discussing members’ strengths and differences and practicing skills for navigating
conflicts constructively.
This ‘sidecar’, designed to attach to project-based courses across the campus, sets the
stage for high performance teams. It has been used by hundreds of students in MCS
and Heinz, positively affecting students' knowledge of and attitudes about teamwork.
This session will highlight Collaborative U’s extended video-based interactive scenario
for skill demonstration and practice, and its realistic practice environments, such as
texting and video chats.

Harty, Martha
HNZ, Across all programs