Carnegie Mellon University

Children painting

April 16, 2020

Children’s School Shares Resources For At-Home Learning

By Julie Mattera

Julie Mattera
  • Marketing & Communications
  • 412-268-2902

The Carnegie Mellon University Children’s School is sharing its resources with the public as a way to help families who are home with preschoolers or kindergarteners, as well as educators who are teaching students from home.

The Children’s School and Carnegie Mellon’s Cyert Center for Early Education, which is also connecting remotely with its own students ranging from 12 weeks through kindergarten, are among the campus children’s centers at universities across the country experimenting with different ways to reach students while children, parents and teachers are staying home to reduce the spread of coronavirus.

“There are so many ways for children to learn through play while at home,” said Sharon Carver, director of the Children’s School, which includes preschool and kindergarten classes for children from 3 to 6 years old. “Since not all preschools have the resources to develop age-appropriate support for remote learning, we wanted to make the suggested activities and videos that our teachers are creating available in a central location so that everyone can use them.”

As part of the resources, parents have access to daily suggestions by age group, including videos with sing-alongs, readings and exercise routines; arts explorations, and math challenges. Teachers searching for ideas also can peruse various thematic unit resource guides on birds, theater, building, art, games and wellness.