Teaching Assistantships
You may serve as a teaching assistant for multiple courses within the Psychology Department including:
- Introduction to Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology
- Child Development
- Research Methods
- Advanced Psychology Seminars
If you are interested in becoming a Teaching Assistant, please complete the application and direct any additional questions to Emilie O’Leary.
Student Teaching Practicum (85-293)
First-time TAs are also required to enroll in the 85-293 Student Teaching Practicum, a 1-unit course that meets every other week to focus on effective strategies as a TA. The Student Teaching Practicum will prepare students to serve as teaching assistants in the department of psychology. As a TA, you are an important part of the learning experience for your fellow students. Accordingly, this course will focus on how to facilitate a productive learning environment in lectures, recitations, and office hours. The course will consist of a mixture of workshops on general teaching topics, as well as regular discussions and check-ins about the current courses you are TAing. Topics will include best practices in pedagogy, leading effective discussions, grading and providing feedback, classroom management, dealing with sensitive topics, etc. Students in their second semester are strongly encouraged to enroll in the course -- students in the practicum qualify to be a "TA" rather than a "grader" (which comes with a slight pay increase). Students TAing their third course or beyond are welcome to enroll in the Practicum, but not required to do so to qualify for "TA" status.
Registration for 85-293 is by special permission, please contact either Dr. Kody Manke or Emilie O’Leary about enrollment.
TA for Pay Versus Credit
You can elect to be paid for serving as a Teaching Assistant or receive course credit through 85-294 Teaching Assistant Course. There are 3 types of paid positions: Graders are paid $12, TA’s $13 and Head TA’s $14. Regardless of credit/pay status, first time TAs are required (second time TAs are strongly encouraged) to register for TA Practicum to qualify for the TA pay rate. TAs typically are work 6-10 hours each week, though this varies slightly between courses and occasionally throughout different times of the semester.