Carnegie Mellon University

Research Staff

Gerry Balbier Executive Director of the Neuroscience Institute MI 115F x9718
Dan Bothell Research Programmer BPH 345B x3323
Logan Brownell Research Associate
Franklin Chen Research Programmer BPH 362 x8875
Davida Fromm Special Faculty Researcher BPH 365
Rachel Hopkins Research Associate
John Kowalski Research Programmer BPH 364 x8875
Scott Kurdilla Research Technologist Weh 3604 x7140
Greta Lyons Research Associate II
Don Morrison Research Programmer Weh 4620 x6284
Indranil Nyamsuren Lab Manager
Paul Orvis Research Programmer    
Erin Smith Research Assistant BPH A55E
Leonid Spektor Research Programmer BPH 366 x5689
Abby Vaughn Project Director BPH 331C x1793
Debbie Viszlay MRI Technologist, BRIDGE Center MI 146 x2499
Sarah Wu Research Associate BPH 340P
Andrew Yankes Research Associate BPH 362  
Di Yoong Liason for Psych to Hunt Library Hl 109F