Carnegie Mellon University

Res Ed Recognizes Excellence

May 01, 2020

Res Ed Recognizes Excellence

By Kumail Lassi, Housefellow

RA Mel Bryan has been doing a fantastic job in our Morewood Gardens community. She remains on campus, after most of the student residents have returned home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mel is thorough, resourceful and a great problem solver. She's fully committed to her position as an RA, and here are some of the ways that she exemplifies excellence and attention to detail in her role: 

  • When issues arise, she knows what to do or who to go to in order to help.
  • Her kitchen is the most spotless in our community, ensuring the safety and well-being for other students who also remain on campus.
  • For the past couple of weeks, she has held study sessions on Zoom as well as weekly Cards Against Humanity game sessions. While residents don't always need these events, even knowing they're available has really helped each of them feel supported in uncertain times.
Congratulations, Mel, on a great year!