Clyde House
- Director of Marketing, Student Affairs
- 412-268-3437
Clyde House offers students the opportunity to be part of a Global Living Learning community, where students with intercultural interests can explore their roles as global citizens alongside their peers. Residents are inspired to connect and engage with one another and the world around them.
Exchange students are encouraged to apply to live in Clyde.
Newly renovated in 2014, Clyde House boasts a grand staircase, beautiful stained glass windows, multiple fireplaces, a huge community-style kitchen with an island counter, and new hard wood floors. Clyde offers apartment units for two and three occupants. Other amenities include an enclosed porch that serves as the house’s entrance and a small fitness area, a parlor common area on the first floor, second and third floor common areas, a study room on the second floor, free laundry service, a backyard, and Internet.