Mudge House
Mudge House is a first-year, all gender community of more than 300 students. Residents of Mudge House are encouraged to be active participants in long-standing community traditions, including:
- Dinner with the Dean: Residents nominate faculty and staff to dine with them in Mudge as an opportunity to get to know them on a more personal level.
- Mudge Booth: Each year, Mudge residents build a blitz booth during CMU's annual Carnival tradition.
- Mudge Mural: Residents paint a mural to leave their mark in the house.
Known for its beautiful architecture and traditional charm, Mudge House is a mansion originally built by the Mudge family of Pittsburgh. After the family donated the building to CMU, the two upper floors were converted into student rooms. The large living, dining, and parlor rooms of the first floor were converted into a spacious lounge, a quiet study area, and a television room. Mudge House now has two additional residence wings that overlook the garden courtyard. Mudge offers a variety of room types, including prime and standard singles, prime and standard doubles, prime and standard triples, and prime quads, as well as laundry facilities and a small kitchen area.