Carnegie Mellon University

Ken Koedinger

Ken Koedinger

Hillman Professor of Computer Science, Professor of Human-Computer Interaction and Psychology

  • Newell-Simon Hall 3601
  • 412-268-7667

Areas of Expertise

Cognitive Science, Computational, Learning Science


Kenneth R. Koedinger is a professor of Human Computer Interaction and Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University. Dr. Koedinger has an M.S. in computer science, a Ph.D. in cognitive psychology, and experience teaching in an urban high school. His multidisciplinary background supports his research goals of understanding human learning and creating educational technologies that increase student achievement. Dr. Koedinger has created Cognitive Models, computer simulations of student thinking and learning that are used to guide the design of educational materials, practices, and technologies. These Cognitive Models provide the basis for an approach to educational technology called Cognitive Tutors that support learning within rich problem-solving environments. With his colleagues, he has developed Cognitive Tutors for mathematics, science, and language, and has tested them in the laboratory and as part of real courses. His research has contributed new principles and techniques for the design of educational software, and has produced basic cognitive science research results on the nature of mathematical thinking and learning. He has authored more than 180 peer-reviewed publications, has received many best paper awards, and has been funded by more than 30 grants. Dr. Koedinger is a co-founder of Carnegie Learning, Inc. and leads LearnLab, the Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center. The center leverages computational approaches to identify the instructional conditions that cause robust student learning.