Carnegie Mellon University
School of Music

Where artistry and innovation share center stage

The School of Music at Carnegie Mellon University highly values each and every individual who wants to Be a part of an INNOVATIVE FINE ARTS COMMUNITY immersed in a top research university.


Click here to schedule a visit to the CMU School of Music!

NEW ! The Conducting Advanced Music Studies Certificate (AMSC) program is NOW OPEN!


New events will be added soon!  View past Admissions Insights Webinars.
Learn more about the School of Music with our digital brochure [PDF].


  • Undergraduates (including BXA) – Apply to Carnegie Mellon University via the Common Application and to the School of Music via the Acceptd application.

  • Graduates and Certificates – Apply to CMU School of Music via the Acceptd application.

  • All applications are due DECEMBER 1, new extended deadline is December 9 at Noon EST. 

    • Pre-screening recordings and portfolios must be submitted by this date along with application.

    • Letter(s) of recommendation are due by JANUARY 5. A link will be sent directly to your recommender(s) upon submission of your Acceptd application. Please follow-up with your recommenders directly to ensure they submit their references by the noted deadline.

  • ALL applicants to programs that require an audition must perform live and in-person. Pittsburgh on-campus and NYC options are available for live auditions.


  • August 1: CMU Common Application opens.
  • September 1: CMU School of Music Acceptd application opens.
  • December 1: CMU Common App and Acceptd applications close for School of Music applicants. All music materials due, except letters of recommendation.
  • Early January: Letters of recommendation due January 5th. Pre-screening decisions and interview requests released.
  • Late January - February: Live Auditions. 
  • Early April: Undergraduate decision letters released from the CMU Office of Undergraduate Admissions.
  • May 1: Undergraduate student decision deadline.

Undergraduate Admission Requirements

Pre-scren, Audition & Portfolio Information

  • September 1: CMU School of Music Acceptd application opens.
  • December 1: Acceptd applications close for School of Music applicants. All music materials due, except letters of recommendation. Priority deadline #1 for Advanced Music Studies Certificates (AMSC) that require pre-screens, and to be considered for financial aid.
  • Early January: Letters of recommendation due January 5th. Pre-screening decisions and interview requests released.
  • Late January - February: Live Auditions.
  • March 1: Priority deadline #2 for Advanced Music Studies Certificates (AMSC) to be considered for financial aid.
  • March 15: Graduate and priority AMSC decision letters released.
  • April 15: Graduate and AMSC student decision deadline.
  • May 1: Final AMSC application deadline, financial aid not guaranteed.

Graduate & Certificate Admission Requirements

Pre-screen, Audition & Portfolio Information

Contact Us

For more information about the application process, please visit our FAQ

Should you have additional questions, please contact the School of Music Office of Recruitment & Enrollment at

Connect with Carnegie Mellon School of Music Office of Recruitment & Enrollment on X (formerly Twitter) or Instagram.