Peter Stumpf
Piano Technician
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Peter Stumpf is a 1990 graduate of Shenandoah Conservatory with a degree in piano technology. Four years later he completed testing to become a Registered Piano Technician with the PTG. In 2006, Stumpf began working at the CMU School of Music and independently for the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra at Heinz Hall. During his time at CMU he has traveled to Astoria, New York for Steinway and Sons specific training. In addition to servicing and overseeing the piano inventory of over 80 instruments at the SoM, he has trained a number of fledgling technicians through the school’s AMS and independent study programs.
Professionally, away from CMU, his time is spent attending to private clientele and running Pianoburgh, a piano restoration facility in the city’s Hilltop neighborhood.
Father to three “young adult” children, he lives with his wife (and business partner) Julie in the Baldwin community of the South Hills.