Carnegie Mellon University
School of Music

Where artistry and innovation share center stage

Kenneth Keeling

Dr. Kenneth Keeling

Professor Emeritus of Music
Senior Associate Head

5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Dr. Keeling, who holds degrees from Catholic University, The University of Michigan and Virginia State University, has had a long and distinguished career in higher education, involving clarinet studio teaching, musicology, conducting of instrumental ensembles, and administration.  He began his professorial career at Norfolk State University while in his early 20’s.  He has since headed music schools at several universities, including Carnegie Mellon, the University of Tennessee, the University of Rhode Island, and Morgan State University.  Throughout this period, he has performed as a professional clarinetist, conducted instrumental ensembles and opera performances, and served as consultant to schools of music while teaching, both in studio and classrooms.

Keeling has performed recitals and appeared as clarinet soloist in musical venues across the country, including chamber appearances with the Alard, Capitol and Feldman String Quartets, and the Cuarteto Latinoamericano.  He is a former member of the Norfolk Symphony Orchestra (now the Virginia Symphony), The Concerts on the Island (Newport, RI) and the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra (TN). His performing activity in the past has involved professional recording, including a disc of chamber music by Johannes Brahms.

He held national office as member of the Commission on Accreditation of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM) for a number of years, serving as Visiting Evaluator, as well as consultant to numerous music schools throughout the country.

In addition to his duties as Associate Head in the School of Music, he currently teaches courses in music history and is teacher of students enrolled in elective clarinet studio.